Eco Drama’s new show ‘The Worm’ will tour Nurseries and Primary Schools between 2nd – 13th September 2013 and we’re delighted to announce the first 10 bookings will receive a free Wormery courtesy of the Educational Institute of Scotland. That’s a saving of almost £80!
This magical show explores life beneath our feet and follows a family of wriggly worms as they go about their important work underground. Through this musical and interactive experience, children will learn all about how food waste, composting and worms all contribute to nutritious soil for growing plants, fruit and vegetables. It has been specially devised to suit 3 – 7 year olds, with a set ‘in miniature’ including a tiny toilet, cute couch and brilliant bobble hats worn by each of the featured worms. It even includes a song about worm ‘poo’ that is destined to be a huge hit with this age group. Furthermore, it explores a number of Eco Schools topics including ‘Food & the Environment’ whilst also fully complimenting the Curriculum for Excellence.
Contact our General Manager, Sian Jones on 0141 552 9920 for any booking enquiries.