We are seeking a part-time Stage Manager for our Autumn 2023 tour of The Whirlybird, a children’s theatre show that will tour to theatres, nurseries, primary schools and community venues across Glasgow and Scotland.
For logistical reasons we would prefer someone who is Edinburgh based.
The contract period will run from 20th September – 1st December. Delivery days will usually be Wednesday to Friday, with some weekend bookings, particularly around the October break.
Fee: £130 per day, plus travel expenses and per diems associated with any work further afield.
For further details download the role description.
To apply, please submit a recent CV with a 1-page PDF cover letter stating why you would be suited to the role. Please submit both documents via email to Jane Dixon, General Manager no later than midnight on Sunday 7th May . jane@ecodrama.co.uk
Applicants are also requested to complete this online Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.
To have an informal discussion about the role, please contact Emily Reid, Artistic Director. emily@ecodrama.co.uk
Interviews will be held online on Monday 15th May.