Eco Drama helped plant 147 fruit trees over 3 years!
During 2013-2015, Eco Drama collaborated with The Appletreeman to supply a staggering 117 Scottish Heritage Apple Trees to Glasgow Primary Schools, as well as 30 Apple, Pear & Plum Trees to establish Townhead Community Orchard in Glasgow City Centre.
An Orchard Training CPD Workshop for teachers was offered as a compliment to our theatre production The Forgotten Orchard. This show toured every autumn from 2012-2014 and engaged 7858 children and young people with local food; re-connecting them with the forgotten apple trees of our heritage, inspiring them to taste delicious Scottish apples and perhaps even grow their own.
Joining up the inspiration and engagement of the theatre production with practical action, 3 lively and informative sessions were led by The Appletreeman Andrew Lear, an experienced horticulturist, orchard enthusiast and trainer. Schools attending received 3 Scottish Heritage Apple Trees for their very own school orchard, as well as the skills and knowledge to plant and maintain it.
Over 3 years we reached:
32 Glasgow Primary Schools
Training 45 Teachers
Giving away 117 Heritage Apple Trees (such as Katy, Bloody Ploughman, James Grieve, Lass O Gowrie and Scots Dumpling)
Planting 32 Primary School Orchards
and Townhead Community Orchard with 30 Scottish Heritage Fruit Trees (apples, plums and pears)
“Excellent. Andrew is obviously very passionate and knowledgeable about the subject.” Gerry Coyle, Teacher St Vincent’s Primary
“We did plant our apple trees. We got a couple of very red Bloody Ploughman apples this year and we have a little collection of fruit trees now. We use the orchard for learning activities too, environmental education as well as maths and cooking.” Linda McCann, Teacher, Anderston Primary
“Nearly all the trees made it and we are hoping to use the fruit this year for a plot to pot experience.” E McLaughlin, Teacher, Blairdardie Primary
The Scotsman (on The Forgotten Orchard)
“Informative but entertaining…it succeeds by putting its story and characters first…a superb piece of storytelling.”
Here’s a wee video clip to give you a taste of the atmosphere at our Orchard Planting Day in November 2013 at Townhead Village Hall, attended by over 100 members of the local community.