Let’s Go…Out to Play! Early Years

Suitable for Early Years practitioners and teachers working with children aged 3-7 years

The ‘Let’s Go…Out to Play’ Early Years resource pack is a culmination of best practice from Eco Drama’s Out to Play residencies, delivered in nurseries across Glasgow by Drama Artist Sarah Rankin. This 40 page pack includes helpful tips, songs, stories, drama games and 5 tried and tested outdoor session plans that encourage confidence, communication, creativity and improved nature connection for early years children.

A companion for any early years practitioner looking to develop their imaginative toolkit for learning outdoors and facilitating deeper connection to the natural world.

Let’s Go…Out to Play! Resource Pack (Early Years)
£17.50 per booklet plus £4 postage and packing costs (within UK)

Front cover of Early Years Eco Drama resource pack
Eco Drama - Sarah Rankin

About the author: Sarah Rankin

Sarah started her journey with Eco Drama in 2018, working on residencies in Nurseries across Glasgow to develop the Early Years Out to Play Project. This groundwork and in-depth consultation resulted in the Early Years resource pack, which has since been rolled out to all 236 nurseries in Glasgow, plus early years settings across Scotland and the globe. Practitioners have been using the pack as a stand alone resource, as well as an accompaniment to the Out to Play residencies, workshops, training and interactive online CPD.

Sarah has also led Out to Play in Primary Schools, adapting workshop plans, approach and themes to specific age groups, classes and staff goals. She has also taken Out to Play on the road, all the way to Aberdeen’s Arts Across Learning Festival in 2019 and 2020. Sarah continues to work in Glasgow using Drama and Storytelling with individuals and groups to creatively engage with the outdoors.

‘My wish for the project is to have a lasting legacy of staff knowledge and confidence to use outdoor spaces creatively. Most of all, I hope that the children are left with a sense of magical wonder that instills an everlasting love of nature.’