Out to Play CPD Workshops for Primary Schools / Educators
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
Albert Einstein
A practical and creative CPD workshop for primary school teachers and education practitioners exploring the role of drama, storytelling and creativity in outdoor learning. If your school is looking for an introduction to Out to Play, this CPD session is the perfect start.
“I hadn’t realised the power of imagination within outdoor learning. Really informative session, lots of ideas to start with. Thank you.”
Irene Boyle, Corpus Christi Primary
How Does It Work?
The 2 hour CPD session is delivered outdoors in the school playground for 20-25 staff members and shares best practice from the Out to Play project, offering practical ideas and creative learning techniques on embedding drama, storytelling and creativity within outdoor learning. Participating teachers leave with their very own Out to Play Outdoor Learning Resource Pack.
An experienced Out to Play Drama Artist delivers the practical, in person CPD/CLPL workshop as a twilight or in-service day session. We are able to deliver to primary schools and settings across Greater Glasgow, as well as the central belt and wider Scotland. The CPD can be delivered for a staff team of primary school teachers and support-for-learning workers, or in non-school settings such as out of school care.
If you are a small school, or only wish to send a few staff members along to the CPD session, we can offer a host school option where a school becomes the host, and then places are filled from teachers travelling from surrounding areas. Please contact us if you’d like to discuss this option.

A Creative Approach to Outdoor Learning
During the 2 hour CPD, teachers explore:
- how to integrate outdoor learning into the school curriculum
- how to bring playground spaces to life through nature connection and imagination
- how to utilise creative learning methods such as drama, storytelling, song and movement in order to engage learners with the natural environment.
Sessions are tailored to the unique environment of each school playground or setting, and the accompanying resource pack ensures teachers are supported to continue delivering arts-based outdoor learning from as early as the next working day!
“Excellent ideas and superb resource which I intend to use ASAP.”
Ellie Henderson, Knightswood Primary
Swipe or scroll across for more images. Click to enlarge.

To book a whole school Out to Play CPD workshop, or to enquire about up and coming dates in your area, please contact Schools Project Manager Suzanne Prak-Sandilands – suzanne@ecodrama.co.uk or call 0141 552 9920
Alternatively, please fill out our CPD enquiry form.
Feedback from teachers
“This CPD session gave me lots of good ideas on how to incorporate outdoor learning into my teaching practice.”
Teacher, St Maria Goretti Primary
“Very Useful. Given me confidence to try something new, out of my comfort zone!”
P Dunn, Shawlands Primary
“Great workshop – very easy ideas that can be transferred into practice easily.”
Stephanie Hughes, Carolside Primary
“The storytelling was amazing and the ideas were fresh and easy to use. Nice to get a book too.”
Teacher, Clyde Primary School
“I like that the expressive arts are being linked to the outdoors in a very natural way… …A friendly and supportive session that helped me explore storytelling safely… …It has given me ideas of how to effectively use stories and outdoor space without needing many resources.”
Teacher, Sandwood Primary