Our journey has begun….

The Eco Drama group is up and running and we are 7 weeks into the process. We are having a fantastic time together and have explored what an Ecologist is and from this we created Billy our Ecologist who is going on the journey with us.

We have mapped out our ideal Whiteinch thinking of how we would want the landscape to be and we took into account the factors that can change a landscape – weather, pollution, transport, population. The group would prefer many more open green spaces to explore and build in and their maps reflected that thought process.

The recent flooding became a topic of interest and the group created their own news and weather reports and interviews fictional characters created by participants. Local people are devastated with the damage the floods have caused but fully understood the weather which is causing this torrential rain.

And this leads us onto the water cycle – we know the hot and cold winds colliding over America/Canada is pushing the bad weather to us but the group wondered where all this water was coming for. We explored the water cycle using movement and music and the participants became water-drops conversing about the cycle. Katie water-drop hates the condensation part as the cloud gets very over crowed and uncomfortable to be in.

We will be updating the blog periodically with our findings, thoughts and general comments so be sure to check back and see what we have been up to.