Eco Drama recently toured ‘The Isle of Egg’ show and workshops to schools on the isles of Lewis, Harris, Uist, Benbecula & Barra over a one week period – phew! Kindly funded by Galson Estate Trust, Community Energy Scotland & The Energy Advisory Service, the tour went very smoothly and the schools & pupils responded very favourably. Here are some quotes from pupils & teachers from Balivanich Primary, Isle of Benbecula: –
“I learned that there’s different ways to get energy and that people on Egg are very independent. They make amazing things from very little. They’re very smart.”
“I think the show was very funny and the actors were very good!”
“I learned about an eco island that we could make too. I also learned to sing. It was awesome!”
‘It was very relevant to the pupils learning. The emphasis on it being our responsibility & that we have the answers. The emphasis on fun made an excellent show enjoyed by all.”
“I just wanted to say a big thank you to all three of you for the fantastic show/workshops you put on for the children at Sir E Scott School yesterday. The event went down really well with pupils & teachers and really helped push the message of global warming/energy efficiency & how everyone can make a difference.”
Alma Maclean, The Energy Advisory Service