Green Ethos
Eco Drama embraces ecological practices in every aspect of our theatre company. We believe how we make work is as important as the performance itself – from the way the set, props and costumes are designed, to reducing the amount of waste and energy used, to the travel choices we make when touring.
Greener Travel
Whenever possible, we use public transport or bicycles to deliver our projects. To bring our theatre shows to schools and venues, we tour in a van run on 100% recycled vegetable oil, ‘biodiesel’, which reduces touring emissions by 85%.** For the delivery of smaller projects where props/set is involved, we tour in a 100% electric car.
**With the new LEZ coming into effect across Scotland, and currently no exceptions being made for the use of biodiesel, we are now looking forward to the day where we can tour our productions in a fully electric van. Watch this space!
Ecoscenography & Sustainable Set Design
We take a holistic approach to considering the environmental impacts of our productions and projects. Our goal is to minimise waste, make more sustainable choices and practice circular economy principles in what we create. With each project we are always learning and experimenting. We are proud to have championed Ecoscenography in Scotland with our production Uprooted, created in collaboration with leading ecoscenographer Tanja Beer and assisted by Mona Kastell.
Eco Drama has been very grateful to receive the following awards over the last few years, celebrating our work, sustainable practices and the creative way in which we engage:
- Nature of Scotland Awards 2023 – Health & Wellbeing (Shortlist) for Out to Play
- Glasgow City Council Environmental Initiative Winner, Streets Ahead Awards 2016
- Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards 2014
- Edinburgh Fringe Sustainable Practice Award 2014 (Finalist) for The Worm
- Scottish Green Awards – Best Community Initiative 2013
- Greener Together Community Awards 2013
- Glasgow Community Champion – Public Service Award Winner 2012
- John Logie Baird Award – Social Enterprise Innovator 2009
Useful websites
Sustainability and the Arts
- Creative Carbon Scotland
- Ecoscenography & The Living Stage
- Ecostage Pledge
- Circular Arts Network (CAN)
- Re-set Scenery
- The Theatre Green Book
- Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts
- Julie’s Bicycle